
Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
Teachers: Mrs Walsh (Monday & Tuesday), Mrs Collins (Thursday & Friday)and Mr Olatunji and Miss McNab (Wednesday).
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ambury
Please have a look at what we will be focusing on in our learning this half term. If you have any questions, please speak to us after school or contact the school office.
PE days: Monday and Friday. Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days. No football tops or overtly branded clothing please- just navy or black joggers or shorts with their PE t-shirt, school hoody or school jumper. 
Reading: Please listen to your child read at home and write a comment in your child's reading record. Please make sure that reading records are kept in your child's bag every day. 
Spelling test: Your child's spellings are accessed via Spelling Shed. They are tested every Monday.
Times Tables: We spend a lot of time working on times tables in Year 4. Knowing all times table facts is vital to success in maths as your child moves to middle school and beyond. Please find links below to some excellent websites to help your child to practise. 
 2024 -25 Class newsletters and curriculum information
DT Christmas Lights
Year 4 have been harnessing their science and DT skills by designing and making light up Xmas decorations. They even made their own switches! Have a look at some of these below:
Art - Giacometti - Bodyshapes
In art, we have started our work on Alberto Giacommetti. Today we learned some information about him and his work, and created some body shapes which we will use as inspiration for our own sculptures.
Science - Sound 
In science, we have been learning about sound. Yesterday, use our skills of scientific enquiry to investigate similarities, differences and changes to see if we could make the best string telephone ever!
Science - Sound
To end our science topic on sound, the children were set the challenge of creating their own musical instrument that could be played at different volumes and create different pitches. Here is some of our amazing work! Some of the children even chose to take their instruments out at playtime and make their own bands - click on the links below to see their fantastic performances!
Previous years letters and curriculum webs
Trip to the Centre for Life
We had a great day out on our British Science Week trip. Have a look at some of the fun activities we did!
DT - Bridges
To start our topic on bridges, the children were given a cold task - build a bridge with no adult help! They worked brilliantly in their teams. We will then do this task again at the end of the topic and see how much more successful our bridges are.