
Well- Being and Mental Health

Seaton Sluice First School
Commitment to Well-Being and Mental Health Support
Here at Seaton Sluice First School, we promote the importance of well-being and provide support for mental health. This includes support for our pupils, staff and parents. 
We work in partnership with Northumberland County Council and also have our own 'in school' mental health champions who take the lead on these areas and have particular interest, experience and expertise to make a difference in school. 
Our school mental health lead teacher is:
Amanda Bennett (amanda.bennett@seatonsluicefirst.co.uk)
We are also a THRIVE school and have two licensed practitioners, Emma Elliott and Lucy Wilson. Emma and Lucy deliver one-to-one interventions that are talk-based through play. Their work also involves linking up with parents and carers to offer emotional support. 
We are proud to host two Education Mental Health Trainees within Seaton Sluice First School who work alongside pupils experiencing anxiety. Furthermore, every classroom has a special set up THRIVE informed area, providing a calm, quiet space for the children to access. Staff are approachable and make themselves available to talk with the children to provide reassurance, comfort and wise words of advice. 
Below are some helpful resources to support pupils and families.