
Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 - White Class!
Thank you for visiting our learning hub! Here you can find all the information you need for your children during their time in Year 3, we hope you find it useful.
Mrs Williamson is our teacher in Year 3, apart from a Monday afternoon when we learn RE and PE with Miss McNab and Wednesday afternoon when we learn Music and Computing with Mr Olatunji.
Mrs Fahim is our teaching assistant and she will support our learning every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
To learn more about we will be focusing on this half term, please have a look at our half-term curriculum webs!
Important Information:
PE days: PE is taught on Mondays and Fridays. Children should come to school dressed for PE on both days. Pupils should wear school PE kit and appropriate footwear.
We encourage all children to bring a water bottle to school every day.
Reading: Please make sure that reading records come to school each day.
Spelling test: Your child's spellings are accessed via Spelling Shed and also sent home via paper copies. These will be set each Monday and tested the following week. Children accessing phonics with Mrs Fahim will have different spellings set on Wednesday and be tested on Monday. 
Times Tables: We spend a lot of time working on times tables in Year 3. We encourage all children to access their TTRockstars accounts at home and practise when they can! All logins are still valid but copies of their log in details can be sent home if required. 
During their time in Year 3, we recap those tables learned in Year 2 (2X, 5X and 10X) and learn some new, trickier tables which you may wish to practice at home (3X, 4X, 8X).
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs Williamson via the school office or catch us at the end of the school day.
Linking to our History topic of Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age the children thoroughly enjoyed their 'Prehistory Experience Day' delivered by Durham University. Leader of the session was impressed by their in-depth knowledge and enthusiasm for learning. They even got to handle some of the items that would have been used during those time period. Take a look! 
What better way to learn about punctuating speech than with macaroni pasta! Children learnt a new song to help them remember where to put the inverted commas and the punctuation.
Children went on an outdoor walk around their local area to test their knowledge of physical and human geography. Children were great at identifying different features which could question which type of geography it was. Some conversations led to a discussion surrounding our topic of Climate Zones and children were able to correctly discuss that it was an example of physical geography. 
Children were hooked into their learning today through some concrete resources to represent the Polar Climate and the Arid Climate. The children did a great job at interpreting what those climate zones are like and were able to do some further research on the computers. 
Curriculum Documents (2024 - 2025)
Curriculum Documents (2023 - 2024)