Teacher: Mrs Saleh
Teaching Assistants: Miss Morgan, Mrs Ambury and Miss McNab
Thank you for visiting our class page. On this class page you will be able to find out information about what is happening in Year 1, our half termly curriculum web and termly newsletters, as well as some fun ideas for how you can support learning at home. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Here is some important information for you:
Drop off time: Year 1 = 8:45am
Collection time: Year 1 = 3.15pm
Please can the children bring in a named water bottle and a coat each day and ensure ALL school uniform is named. Children also need their reading folder in school everyday.
Wednesday and Friday
Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days. This consists of navy or black joggers/shorts with their house coloured PE t-shirt as well as their school hoodie or school jumper.