

Welcome to our Reception Learning Hub!

Meet the team: Mrs McBride (Mon-Thurs), Mrs Dale (Fri am), Mrs Bennett (Fri pm), Mrs Buglass & Mrs Cummings


Thank you for visiting our class page. On this class page you will be able to find out information about what you need to bring to school each day, what is happening in Reception and our half termly curriculum web, as well as some fun ideas for how you can support learning at home. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Here is some important information for you: 

Drop off time: Reception = 8:45am 

Collection time: Reception = 3.15pm

There is also wraparound provision available for anyone who requires it, running from 8am until 5.45pm.


Please can all children bring in a named (full) water bottle and a coat each day and ensure ALL school uniform is named

Book bags and reading folders must be brought into school everyday. We will keep them in school on a Wednesday to update reading folders. 

Please do not store items of clothing or water bottles in your child's book bag as they are unable to access them during the day.


PE Day:


Please ensure that your child's PE kit is in school for the first day of the half term and remains in school for the full half term. Children will get changed for PE in school as these skills are part of their curriculum. The PE kit consists of navy or black joggers/shorts with their house coloured PE t-shirt as well as their school hoodie or school jumper. 


Class Dojo:

We will continue to use Class Dojo to share our weekly learning. Please check Class Dojo regularly and add comments to your child's portfolio. We also enjoy looking at photographs that you upload of special activities and occasions. 
If you have any problems/issues please do not hesitate to get in touch.

At Seaton Sluice First School we follow Little Wandle Phonic and Reading scheme.
Each week the children will all take part in three group reading sessions. The reading sessions will take place on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday the children will bring home the reading book they have been reading that week within their group session. 
Your children will be very excited to read the book to you! Please listen to your child read, write a comment in their reading record and ensure that the reading book is returned to school on a Monday.
It is very important that books are returned every Monday as other groups will be reading that book the following week.
The children will bring home a library book on a Friday. This is for you to enjoy reading to your child. Please ensure it is returned on a Wednesday.