
Headteacher Message

"Nurturing Excellence" at Seaton Sluice First School

Seaton Sluice First School is an extremely happy, caring and successful school. Having been Deputy Headteacher at the school for four years, I was proud to be appointed as Headteacher in September 2017. All members of the school community work very hard and are committed to following the special ethos of our school which is summed up perfectly by our school values, created by children, parents, governors and staff:

Believe and Achieve

Care and Share

Safe and Secure

Enjoy Together

We warmly welcome visitors to our school especially those looking for a place for their children. We have many children attending our school who do not live in Seaton Sluice but for various reasons choose to join us from surrounding areas. We believe that we provide an exciting experience for all of our pupils where they are nurtured, feel a sense of 'belonging' and have access to a range of exciting real-life learning opportunities.

At Seaton Sluice First School, we value partnerships links established and continue to develop opportunities which include our local churches, Seaton Delaval Hall, local businesses, Northumberland County Council and Northumbria University.

We have an open door policy for parents and carers. If we cannot help immediately, we will always find the time to do our best to answer or respond to any information required.

Our school has a fantastic reputation and we are proud of what we have achieved. We are outward thinking in our approach and strive to provide the very best experience for our pupils and families. We are committed to being a supportive, inclusive setting where all achievements are celebrated. 

We are like one huge family! We want everyone to feel secure and love their time with us. Please feel free to contact the school should you require any further information or would like to have a look around. 

Mrs Amanda Bennett
